Thursday, August 26, 2010

Bejeweled game - a lesson in life!

I love games, especially word games. I've spent hours with Word Whomp and Daily Word Find on Club Pogo. I recently tried Bejeweled, something different for me. It is a simple matching game. Find two gems that match place a third that matches and they make points and the puzzle reconfigures. While playing this game I realized that most of the time what I was looking for was near or close to my search area, but I would miss it. The game has a hint button which points to what you need and even then sometimes I was unable to see the right configuration.
How often in life are we searching for something and what we need is really right in front of us or at least nearby, and we don't see it. We look and look and don't see.
Trusting spirit, believing God, are moves in the game of life that help us make the match needed. We say we believe but we mumble about not having enough or our inability to do something. Neither of those things are true. God does not lie. Our inability to see is not the fault of spirit but our unwillingness to commune with spirit so that we see what spirit sees. Our unwillingness to be so wrapped in God, breathing God, being one with God keeps us from making the matches we need. In Christianity, Jesus is theone who came to show us how to make the matches. He even said "the Father and I are one". When the Father and each of us is one we can see the matches and win the game.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Expanding Good News!

I planned all last weekend to write about the discussions in the news around whether a mosque should be built in New York near "ground zero". In New Thought we are told that anything we focus on be it negative or positive expands. I had to rethink my plan to blast, and ask questions of how amazingly un-Christlike the whole conversation is. Instead of taking that route I have decided to expand the Good News. Some would say what good news? The good news is that we have a president who wants us to remember our Constitution. We have a mayor (in NY) that remembers our history, where persons of any religion could come and be free to practice their religion. And we have those who know that being Christ-like is to extend an open heart and hand to those who want to share in their faith and communal care.
We create the space for this to occur each time we place one group above another. Baptist are better than Methodist. Pentecostals are holier than Catholics. The Jews are better than the Muslims. We must expand the Good News that all of us have some part of "Truth". To have it all would be Omniscient as we claim God is. Let us expand the good news that all of God's creation is good and worthy.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Abraham-Hicks - Listen carefully!


So many things distract us from our purpose. We give a lot of our energy away worrying about why others don't like us, or what would they say if they knew all the things we do. Why should we care. We are not sent here to be anyone but ourselves. Our uniqueness and our sole purpose on this planet at this time, have only to do with who we are. We are so wondrously made. (Psalm 139)

You are wonderful,, be wonderful, have a wonderful life. LET IT GO!