Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Recently, I have read and heard several newscasters make disparaging remarks about "Positive Thinking". Not only journalist speak derisively about this idea but present day theologians do too. But as one reads these contemporary writers, an important part of what was written in the 19th century material is missing. It was not just the idea that one should keep a positive thought in mind in order to see change in their lives, but that positive thought had to be filled with the emotion of great desire. Napoleon Hill called it a "burning desire" filled with faith, a sure belief that what was being held in mind was indeed something that would improve the life or situation of the person holding the thought. Many people think that they can wish for what they want and they will receive. Positive thinking must be backed by great desire and wrapped in a strong faith that informs the holder that without a doubt they will receive.

Is your thought wrapped in burning desire and held in strong faith?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Is God really the Source?

Hello everyone, I'm sorry I am a day late this week. I have just returned from the grocery store. It is amazing how much food cost have increased in three weeks. As soon as I saw how much everything was, I started counting and figuring what I would need to do to make my money spread over all of my needs. How do I get all the regular groceries and still pay all the bills.

We are socialized to think immediately about what we can do. My first thought should be my God does supply all my needs. My second thought should be gratitude to God for all I have and all that is coming my way. It is easier to say that than live that. We need a new mind, one that has a burning faith and sure knowledge that God is already providing what we do not see. Some believe that what we miss is because of our faithlessness. If you don't expect it it will not come.
Can you hold with a steady faith and a sure knowledge that all you need is on the way? It is not by your action alone that you have, but by the power of God. God is working in you, through you and as you. Your source is God.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Parenting the Spirit-led child

We often think about our spiritual lives. We often forget how important it is that children nurture their spiritual lives. Someone said to me recently that children don't understand what it means to be in alignment with Source. THEY DO! They know better than we do. They have only recently come to this world, away from the love and security of another place. They have not been here long and have not become so jaded and cynical. They have a natural desire to do what is good, to function in love and safety. They are like video cameras, playing back what they have seen and experienced.

Parenting is only difficult for some because instead of simply loving, respecting and gently guiding our children; our family baggage, or personal stories often get in the way of what we choose to do. If not our own bad stories, the bad advice that some educators and psychologists give us as the latest fad in parenting. We get caught up in what everyone has to say about parenting. Spirit speaks to you and to your child. Learn to sit quietly and hear what Spirit says to you and teach your child to sit quietly and hear what their Spirit is saying to them. If they are young hold them so that both of you can sit and hear from Spirit.

Lately, I had been putting more pressure on my teenage grandson to do more, produce more, I finally heard Spirit say that my angst was the problem not that he couldn't or wouldn't be able to do and be what he needs to be when the time comes. Yes, he does have to know what the expectation is and he does have to participate in learning, but the worried energy that pushed me to shout and be short with him are unnecessary.

Listen to your Spirit and make room for your child's Spirit. Listen!