Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Don't be surprised - Darwin is not the only one re-interpreted!

The one comment I remember from the Nightline segment on the movie made about Darwin, is the amazement of the commentator about the re-interpreting of Darwin's work. He added to this how Darwin is probably more polarizing now than he was 150 years ago.

We don't live in the context or environment in which Darwin wrote. Each generation does its' own editing and even when they speak of the original text they do not speak of it from the context of when it was written.

The number of voices who wish to explain Darwin to us are no different than those who are re-interpreting God. In this culture, in this environment, how we understand God is somewhat different than how others of another time and place or culture understood God. For me there seems to be a lesson in there somewhere for us. I know my next words are going to be hard for some, I hope you will comment and tell me what you think is wrong with (or right with) what I think. I think the lesson is WE ARE NOT HERE TO AGREE! Gasp! I don't have to see or understand or believe what you believe about God. For those of you who are creationist, I know you believe in contrast, since you believe God made us. God made this contrast.

For those of you who have already grown up and don't care how anyone re-interprets our understanding of God. My hat is off to you, for the other lesson is, we each have a right to our own re-interpretation and we don't have to make anyone agree with that interpretation.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Looking for Love

I seem to remember an old song with lyrics that spoke of "looking for love in all the wrong places". We all want love. Everybody seems to be looking for that special relationship that will make a difference in our lives. Those who have spouses and/or partners are wondering if this is all there is. "Aren't real love relationships supposed to be magical, filling our every need?" Those who are not with anyone ask all of their friends and acquaintances if they know someone who might fill the bill and become that special person. Almost everyone seems to be looking for more in the LOVE department.

Guess what? What we need and want is near. We create the barriers to finding it. When in a relationship it is what we do that keeps it from being all it could be. (Including staying with the wrong person) We build the walls. Sometimes it is lack of trust. Sometimes it is not leaving the baggage of a past relationship. Sometimes it is just not being as present to the relationship as we should be. Whatever it is what we really want is near.

While you are waiting, check out the love, being given to you by friends and family. The hugs of your children. The care of your close friends. The concern that persons show for you and your situations. All of this is love coming in your direction. We all need to appreciate the random acts of kindness shown us each and everyday. When we learn to appreciate the small things done in love for us, the bigger love things will come. Hug your children and grandchildren tighter. Thank your co-worker for remembering your birthday, thank the lady at church who remembered you in prayer, thank the young person who held the door for you. Love is always coming to you. When we learn to appreciate these signs of love we will be in line for even greater gifts of love.
Give more Love and watch it return. Remember you are already loved!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Prayer changes things

In New Thought Christianity, we believe that prayer changes things. More specifically, it changes us, not God. God does what God does. Our prayer helps us change and meet the circumstances we are facing. During this most distressful time in Haiti, may we remember that our prayers do make a difference. Let us pray that all that needs to happen in and for Haiti will be done. May our hearts be moved to participate in their healing. May we give of our means, our time, our service, our creative minds and abilities for life in Haiti. Pray!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Did you open all of your gifts?

Early Christmas, when you finally stopped to look at all of the gifts under the tree, you remembered that one activity of Christmas is always pleasant. There is nothing like opening boxes, tearing wrapping away from a gift box whose content you have no idea about. Some of us even shake the box or smell the box(not that either of those movements make a difference) hoping to guess its' contents. Now that Christmas has passed, we look for other ways to have that same wonderful experience.

There is one gift that we always have and there is joy in opening it every year. We have been given a gift of spiritual power. Even a cursory look at our lives show us that we have under-used
this gift. Therefore no matter how often we open it, we have more and more to use.

Take a moment for yourself. Consider how and why you might use this gift. I'm not talking about magic or superstition, but real power that will change whatever you need changed. So often our exploration of spiritual power is only at a very rudimentary level. Each use opens for greater use the next time. Check your gifts!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year - No Resolutions

Happy New Year! This is the year that most of us want something different to happen. If we want something different we must set an intention that is greater than just our thinking about something new. Setting an intention gets us to visualizing, and feeling the change in our bodies as well as our minds. We have power we have not used yet. When we set an intention all of our senses check in. We can see it, smell it, feel it, know that it will come and everyday, experience more and more of its' coming. Join me in setting an intention for this year, and also join me in experiencing it everyday until it arrives.