Monday, January 18, 2010

Looking for Love

I seem to remember an old song with lyrics that spoke of "looking for love in all the wrong places". We all want love. Everybody seems to be looking for that special relationship that will make a difference in our lives. Those who have spouses and/or partners are wondering if this is all there is. "Aren't real love relationships supposed to be magical, filling our every need?" Those who are not with anyone ask all of their friends and acquaintances if they know someone who might fill the bill and become that special person. Almost everyone seems to be looking for more in the LOVE department.

Guess what? What we need and want is near. We create the barriers to finding it. When in a relationship it is what we do that keeps it from being all it could be. (Including staying with the wrong person) We build the walls. Sometimes it is lack of trust. Sometimes it is not leaving the baggage of a past relationship. Sometimes it is just not being as present to the relationship as we should be. Whatever it is what we really want is near.

While you are waiting, check out the love, being given to you by friends and family. The hugs of your children. The care of your close friends. The concern that persons show for you and your situations. All of this is love coming in your direction. We all need to appreciate the random acts of kindness shown us each and everyday. When we learn to appreciate the small things done in love for us, the bigger love things will come. Hug your children and grandchildren tighter. Thank your co-worker for remembering your birthday, thank the lady at church who remembered you in prayer, thank the young person who held the door for you. Love is always coming to you. When we learn to appreciate these signs of love we will be in line for even greater gifts of love.
Give more Love and watch it return. Remember you are already loved!

1 comment:

  1. Great thoughts, although it seems to shy away from acknowledging the difficult work that love is, esp. keeping love alive or walking away from an ill-fitting relationship.
