Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Why create drama?

I was wondering today, if we got attached to drama in our lives when there was little or no entertainment, and somehow it became a part of our DNA. Thereby rendering each successive generation a gene that they could not through any means have erased. (smile) I know that didn't happen, but the way I see persons trying to thrive on drama amazes me. Even persons who identify it and rail often against it, will produce some form of it when things get too quiet. Is it because we believe that life should not be that good. Maybe we think we just don't deserve all the peace we talk about. Whatever the reason, we jump into the fray at the least provocation.

It's time to give it up. Real joy comes from an ability to delight in all that's good. When we create drama, we can't create its' opposite at the same time. Spiritual work is a daily discipline. It does not include time to major in petty stories about people we hardly know and really aren't concerned about. Create your life without someone else's drama! If you find out why we really do this, drop me a comment, I would surely like to know.

Peace and Joy!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Inspired by the great Ruby Dee on BET

Last night I watched BET's "Black Girls Rock". Every black girl watching should have felt special at the end of the show. There was such diversity of women and their accomplishments, and even teenagers who were entrepreneurs. They did a good job helping girls know what is possible. There were not only actors and entertainers, but there was the first black woman Major General in the Air Force.

My favorite was someone I have grown up with and watched and known all of my life...Ruby Dee. I almost can't write her name without writing Ossie Davis, as they were hardly ever apart in life. This couple lived and taught what possibilities could be made. They marched in Selma, they were the emcee'sfor the March on Washington (which I attended)they spoke on behalf of black folk everywhere. Last night, though Ossie has now transitioned, Ruby was there, proud, articulate, her mind alert, still showing what you can do if you choose wisely and include giving as a part of the plan. They lived for human rights and social justice, they gave their time and talent to many programs and institutions in the black community and other communities as well.

They created their lives with pride, dignity, and patience. If you are still breathing, no matter what age, you can do the same. We all have the opportunity to live and give and help as they did. Use your gift of creation! Make a difference today!


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Another thought about making choices

I appreciate the response to the blog about making choices. I gave it some more thought and decided our first impulse is to do what we think will accomplish what we want in the shortest time. If only we had waited a moment and searched ourselves for our real desire. At the moment I thought I wanted ice cream, did I really want ice cream or did I want to be in a really loving relationship that would fulfill my desire to be held and appreciated. Was the ice cream a quick fix to a deeper problem? I think our desires get stirred in with our need to be gratiated at that very moment in time. No one to hold me now, the ice cream will suffice.

Have you waited and searched your desires when you make a decision to do or get something?
When was the last time you took a moment to really pay attention to your desire?


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Why do we continue to make the same choices?

This is really an issue I ponder. I don't have a lot to say about this. I am really pondering this issue. I would love for you to talk to me about this.

We know what things we should not choose. We will choose the same thing, the same characteristic, the same behavior or whatever we know is not good for us. Why?

Whether it is a food or a partner or a behavior, we will go right back to it knowing we should make another choice. Is it that we don't believe we should have more? Is it that we believe that we can't have better? Is it that we don't want to move to some other place in consciousness? Excluding the idea that there is a devil, what are we doing?

Maybe there is such a thing as spiritual disciplines. Underlining the word discipline, that requires us to keep our minds on higher things, with some regularity. We can even testify to seeing, and feeling more clear about everything, when we work on our minds and spirit regularly. But even knowing this is the outcome , we will run and dig ourselves into the worse holes just so we can do what we first think is what we want, rather than what we need or would want the outcome to be. How do we reach for the best the first time? How do we expect only the best and even more than that how do we desire only the best?

Please leave a comment!

Peace and Blessings!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Parents Read for the sake of your child!

I heard a great conversation a few days ago. Several viewpoints from persons representing different places in their lives. One was a parent who has always actively participated in providing an education that played to the strengths of her children. Another participant, another parent, frustrated with the response of the public school system's inability to serve her child. There were two children who had both been homeschooled. One is now considered a child prodigy, having skipped middle school and high school, and presently a college student;
the other presently in high school enjoying learning at his own rate.

The parent of the college student made a statement about how labeling children was causing a problem. The other parent quickly agreed. But quietly the child prodigy spoke the real truth. He said, why should I care if am labeled ADHD if I can perform certain functions twice as fast as anyone else. Our focus should be on what happens after the label is given. The label tells us something we need to know about how our children learn. We seem to walk away angry believing that the label is wrong. With increased information about the brain and instruments that can look at how the brain works; the label simply tells a "real educator" the process that best works for that brain. When do we question those who have the responsibility of educating our children? The problems in public education have to do with the absence of teachers who know that all children do not learn the same way,systems that have unacceptable expectations of teachers (too many students in one room) and no idea how societal structures and changes in patterns of learning and living have changed teaching (pedagogy).

Those of you who are in New Thought know that we believe we create our lives. Value or non-value stem from what we say is or is not valuable. It seems that when we come to questions of education we leave behind our spiritual understanding. If our source is God and we co-create with God, why do we believe what others express about labels. Understand that you assign meaning as a co-creator. You accept only the information and then you create what is possible and what can be . ADHD is not bad, it is information about learning styles.
Some of the most genius persons are ADHD. Why do you believe that this label may be bad? Every child brings something special into this world. It is often lost because we want to measure every person in the same way, expecting every person to produce and add value to the world in the same way. We are all valuable, we all have great possibilities. Those who have had more experiences in certain areas may outpace those who have not. The child prodigy was taught math at the age of 2. Most students did not encounter addition until 1st grade. There are many
things that influence our learning and learning styles. If you are really serious look for what works with your child, not what works with your neighbor's child. In New Thought we learn that we are responsible for our lives. We are not victims. No one is doing something to us. We make the difference. The homeschooled high school student asked why do people blame others for what happens to them. He noted that even though he may not always do his best he understands clearly that in the final analysis he is responsible for his life. Listen, our children know more than you think. Less talk and more listening may help you glean what they need.

Love and Peace

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Bejeweled game - a lesson in life!

I love games, especially word games. I've spent hours with Word Whomp and Daily Word Find on Club Pogo. I recently tried Bejeweled, something different for me. It is a simple matching game. Find two gems that match place a third that matches and they make points and the puzzle reconfigures. While playing this game I realized that most of the time what I was looking for was near or close to my search area, but I would miss it. The game has a hint button which points to what you need and even then sometimes I was unable to see the right configuration.
How often in life are we searching for something and what we need is really right in front of us or at least nearby, and we don't see it. We look and look and don't see.
Trusting spirit, believing God, are moves in the game of life that help us make the match needed. We say we believe but we mumble about not having enough or our inability to do something. Neither of those things are true. God does not lie. Our inability to see is not the fault of spirit but our unwillingness to commune with spirit so that we see what spirit sees. Our unwillingness to be so wrapped in God, breathing God, being one with God keeps us from making the matches we need. In Christianity, Jesus is theone who came to show us how to make the matches. He even said "the Father and I are one". When the Father and each of us is one we can see the matches and win the game.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Expanding Good News!

I planned all last weekend to write about the discussions in the news around whether a mosque should be built in New York near "ground zero". In New Thought we are told that anything we focus on be it negative or positive expands. I had to rethink my plan to blast, and ask questions of how amazingly un-Christlike the whole conversation is. Instead of taking that route I have decided to expand the Good News. Some would say what good news? The good news is that we have a president who wants us to remember our Constitution. We have a mayor (in NY) that remembers our history, where persons of any religion could come and be free to practice their religion. And we have those who know that being Christ-like is to extend an open heart and hand to those who want to share in their faith and communal care.
We create the space for this to occur each time we place one group above another. Baptist are better than Methodist. Pentecostals are holier than Catholics. The Jews are better than the Muslims. We must expand the Good News that all of us have some part of "Truth". To have it all would be Omniscient as we claim God is. Let us expand the good news that all of God's creation is good and worthy.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Abraham-Hicks - Listen carefully!


So many things distract us from our purpose. We give a lot of our energy away worrying about why others don't like us, or what would they say if they knew all the things we do. Why should we care. We are not sent here to be anyone but ourselves. Our uniqueness and our sole purpose on this planet at this time, have only to do with who we are. We are so wondrously made. (Psalm 139)

You are wonderful,, be wonderful, have a wonderful life. LET IT GO!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Did you experience heaven today?

Too often heaven is thought of as some future destination. If that is what you wish to believe that's great for you. Some of us need to remember that we KNOW heaven is a state of mind. When we remember a great love affair, the birth of our children, a seemingly miraculous physical healing, or even a sexual encounter that not only left us breathless but aware of having stepped into another dimension - we experienced heaven. Heaven is communion with Infinite Love. It is a gift of the Creator intended to bless our souls. A loving parent gives their child/ren good gifts. The Creator gave us this one. We miss the experience when we make choices that lead us away from the Creator. Our day is full of making choices. Each time you choose, choose heaven. Your desire to be one with the Creator allows for more and more heaven in your life. Take each moment, be grateful for each moment and choose heaven each moment of your day.


Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Idea of Lack

There is a prayer recited in every moment of giving in the church that I attend. This prayer says "that there is no lack or limitation in my life".We learn that, nothing is in our experience that did not begin as a thought. What are you thinking? New Thought writers often remind us that our lives begin with thought. `Whatever is created in our experience was first a thought in our minds. What we give much attention to - expands. So if you are always thinking about "lack" you are creating it and expanding it. You can't have anything but lack. I hear some of my friends say that they only think of great and wonderful things, but they don't count how often they discuss how bad everything is. Bad economy, bad education, bad relationships, some "bad" comments outpace good ones 10 to 1. You might know what a good mate would look like, but how often have you commented on bad ones?

Pay attention this week to the lack you are creating. You want better, imagine better, point out what you are grateful for this week and imagine more of that to come.,

There is no lack or limitation in our lives. We need to continue creating the good, stop all complaining of the bad and be grateful for what is presently good.


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

my soul ponders: FEARLESS or FEARFUL

my soul ponders: FEARLESS or FEARFUL


There is a popular quote from Franklin D. Roosevelt about fear. He says, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself, nameless, unreasoning, unjustified, terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." (Franklin D. Roosevelt, First Inaugrul Address, March 4, 1933.) I like the quote from Pallius in the first century, "What we fear comes to pass more speedily than what we hope". In other words what we give attention to really expands. Frederick Bailes talked about this in 1941 when writing Your Mind Can Heal You....When (someone) glimpses the truth that all the Universal Power flows through their body, they are able to to sit back in quiet assurance with a total absence of fear at the appearance of illness. For their fear has been created by a picture of themselves invaded by an enemystrong, cruel and merciless. What do you picture? How do you see your next year? Which is greater your fear pictures or your hopeful and promising pictures?

Fear is like a bad virus. At first it moves quietly into our psyche. After awhile it begins to fester and infect other thoughts and plans, until what might have been a great thing becomes something to frightening to even try. Sometimes we say that everything is good while we have just beyond the smile the thought of how it all can go terribly wrong. Living with hope and expectations of great things is healthy, wise and opens up things in us that can draw real life, joy, happiness and peace.

We shortchange our lives whenever we don't do all that is in us to do. Do you have a dream? Do you often wonder how much greater your life can be? Step out, get rid of fear. You know that FEAR is false evidence appearing real. Everything you need or want is available without fear.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Lessons in Loss and Grieving

I was speakiing to a friend of mine yesterday and she was recounting the death of her dog. We had not been in touch for quite awhile because I had been away during the illness and final transition of my mother. My friend was obviously quite upset about her loss and I realized that what I had to share were the lessons I learned during my grieving process. There are many ideas about how to go through grief. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross wrote a book sbout the stages of grief and how to proceeed through each stage. My conversationos with others who have suffered loss seem to confirm there that there are definitely different periods and degrees of grieving.

We live in a society that spends a lot of time and money telling us how we should grieve and what our funeral traditions should be. I came home from my experience wanting to tell everyone that they should adopt a particular pattern for their grieving. What I have now learned is that none of us should determine how any of us should grieve. Even though I think the process should begin before the loss actually occurs, I no longer am willing to say that everyone can do that. So much of our behavior is attached to our experiences growing up and what we have been taught or have been socialized in. I will say that whatever way you decide to grieve - loss is loss. Whether it is a relative or pet, a friend or neighbor every loss takes something from us. That leaves us with the question of when will we see that loss as an experience for which to be grateful and the door to change in our lives. I so seldom get to see people glad that someone who was suffering (animal or person) has now moved to a better situation that relieves them of their painful life. Gratitude and great memories become the gift that plugs our loss. It may not be a perfect fit or replace the lost peice but it can be good and life renewing. Peace!

Lessons Learned in Loss

I was speaking to a friend on yesterday and she was recounting the death of her dog. We had not been in touch for quite awhile because I had been away during the illness and final transition of my mother. She was obvioiusly quite upset about her loss and I realized that what I had to share were the lessons I learned during my grieving process. There are many ideas about how to go through grief. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross wrote a book about the stages of grieving. My conversations with others who have suffered loss seems to confirm that there are definitely different periods

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tiger Woods acknowledges the need to return to his spiritual roots

The Saturday after Tiger's apology, I heard a news commentator remark that he was surprised to hear Tiger throw in that "stuff" about Buddhism. I do not know if the tone he used or the words he used were about the fact that it was a surpirse to him that Tiger was talking religion and spirituality or that Tiger had been raised a Buddhist? Either way, why should he have been surprised that Tiger would acknowledge that his behaviors were not in sync with his spiritual upbringing.

We are not separate from our spiritual selves. We would like to live as if our choices don't matter, and that we can do whatever we want without doing harm to our spiritual self. This is not possible. Some refer to this kind of living as being unconscious. Being unconscious does not mean that we don't do harm to our spirit when we ignore it. Tiger acknowledged the great harm done to his spirit and the need to find balance, or the need to come into alignment with his source.

I would hope that our commentators would take more seriously the need for anyone (star athlete or not) to acknowledge that they are more than the thing they do or the part they play. The more that persons acknowledge their need for balance, the more the world we live in will change. Imagine if each person really listened to their spirit and chose behavior that honored their spirit, the world would be a different place. Peace!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Recently, I have read and heard several newscasters make disparaging remarks about "Positive Thinking". Not only journalist speak derisively about this idea but present day theologians do too. But as one reads these contemporary writers, an important part of what was written in the 19th century material is missing. It was not just the idea that one should keep a positive thought in mind in order to see change in their lives, but that positive thought had to be filled with the emotion of great desire. Napoleon Hill called it a "burning desire" filled with faith, a sure belief that what was being held in mind was indeed something that would improve the life or situation of the person holding the thought. Many people think that they can wish for what they want and they will receive. Positive thinking must be backed by great desire and wrapped in a strong faith that informs the holder that without a doubt they will receive.

Is your thought wrapped in burning desire and held in strong faith?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Is God really the Source?

Hello everyone, I'm sorry I am a day late this week. I have just returned from the grocery store. It is amazing how much food cost have increased in three weeks. As soon as I saw how much everything was, I started counting and figuring what I would need to do to make my money spread over all of my needs. How do I get all the regular groceries and still pay all the bills.

We are socialized to think immediately about what we can do. My first thought should be my God does supply all my needs. My second thought should be gratitude to God for all I have and all that is coming my way. It is easier to say that than live that. We need a new mind, one that has a burning faith and sure knowledge that God is already providing what we do not see. Some believe that what we miss is because of our faithlessness. If you don't expect it it will not come.
Can you hold with a steady faith and a sure knowledge that all you need is on the way? It is not by your action alone that you have, but by the power of God. God is working in you, through you and as you. Your source is God.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Parenting the Spirit-led child

We often think about our spiritual lives. We often forget how important it is that children nurture their spiritual lives. Someone said to me recently that children don't understand what it means to be in alignment with Source. THEY DO! They know better than we do. They have only recently come to this world, away from the love and security of another place. They have not been here long and have not become so jaded and cynical. They have a natural desire to do what is good, to function in love and safety. They are like video cameras, playing back what they have seen and experienced.

Parenting is only difficult for some because instead of simply loving, respecting and gently guiding our children; our family baggage, or personal stories often get in the way of what we choose to do. If not our own bad stories, the bad advice that some educators and psychologists give us as the latest fad in parenting. We get caught up in what everyone has to say about parenting. Spirit speaks to you and to your child. Learn to sit quietly and hear what Spirit says to you and teach your child to sit quietly and hear what their Spirit is saying to them. If they are young hold them so that both of you can sit and hear from Spirit.

Lately, I had been putting more pressure on my teenage grandson to do more, produce more, I finally heard Spirit say that my angst was the problem not that he couldn't or wouldn't be able to do and be what he needs to be when the time comes. Yes, he does have to know what the expectation is and he does have to participate in learning, but the worried energy that pushed me to shout and be short with him are unnecessary.

Listen to your Spirit and make room for your child's Spirit. Listen!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Don't be surprised - Darwin is not the only one re-interpreted!

The one comment I remember from the Nightline segment on the movie made about Darwin, is the amazement of the commentator about the re-interpreting of Darwin's work. He added to this how Darwin is probably more polarizing now than he was 150 years ago.

We don't live in the context or environment in which Darwin wrote. Each generation does its' own editing and even when they speak of the original text they do not speak of it from the context of when it was written.

The number of voices who wish to explain Darwin to us are no different than those who are re-interpreting God. In this culture, in this environment, how we understand God is somewhat different than how others of another time and place or culture understood God. For me there seems to be a lesson in there somewhere for us. I know my next words are going to be hard for some, I hope you will comment and tell me what you think is wrong with (or right with) what I think. I think the lesson is WE ARE NOT HERE TO AGREE! Gasp! I don't have to see or understand or believe what you believe about God. For those of you who are creationist, I know you believe in contrast, since you believe God made us. God made this contrast.

For those of you who have already grown up and don't care how anyone re-interprets our understanding of God. My hat is off to you, for the other lesson is, we each have a right to our own re-interpretation and we don't have to make anyone agree with that interpretation.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Looking for Love

I seem to remember an old song with lyrics that spoke of "looking for love in all the wrong places". We all want love. Everybody seems to be looking for that special relationship that will make a difference in our lives. Those who have spouses and/or partners are wondering if this is all there is. "Aren't real love relationships supposed to be magical, filling our every need?" Those who are not with anyone ask all of their friends and acquaintances if they know someone who might fill the bill and become that special person. Almost everyone seems to be looking for more in the LOVE department.

Guess what? What we need and want is near. We create the barriers to finding it. When in a relationship it is what we do that keeps it from being all it could be. (Including staying with the wrong person) We build the walls. Sometimes it is lack of trust. Sometimes it is not leaving the baggage of a past relationship. Sometimes it is just not being as present to the relationship as we should be. Whatever it is what we really want is near.

While you are waiting, check out the love, being given to you by friends and family. The hugs of your children. The care of your close friends. The concern that persons show for you and your situations. All of this is love coming in your direction. We all need to appreciate the random acts of kindness shown us each and everyday. When we learn to appreciate the small things done in love for us, the bigger love things will come. Hug your children and grandchildren tighter. Thank your co-worker for remembering your birthday, thank the lady at church who remembered you in prayer, thank the young person who held the door for you. Love is always coming to you. When we learn to appreciate these signs of love we will be in line for even greater gifts of love.
Give more Love and watch it return. Remember you are already loved!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Prayer changes things

In New Thought Christianity, we believe that prayer changes things. More specifically, it changes us, not God. God does what God does. Our prayer helps us change and meet the circumstances we are facing. During this most distressful time in Haiti, may we remember that our prayers do make a difference. Let us pray that all that needs to happen in and for Haiti will be done. May our hearts be moved to participate in their healing. May we give of our means, our time, our service, our creative minds and abilities for life in Haiti. Pray!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Did you open all of your gifts?

Early Christmas, when you finally stopped to look at all of the gifts under the tree, you remembered that one activity of Christmas is always pleasant. There is nothing like opening boxes, tearing wrapping away from a gift box whose content you have no idea about. Some of us even shake the box or smell the box(not that either of those movements make a difference) hoping to guess its' contents. Now that Christmas has passed, we look for other ways to have that same wonderful experience.

There is one gift that we always have and there is joy in opening it every year. We have been given a gift of spiritual power. Even a cursory look at our lives show us that we have under-used
this gift. Therefore no matter how often we open it, we have more and more to use.

Take a moment for yourself. Consider how and why you might use this gift. I'm not talking about magic or superstition, but real power that will change whatever you need changed. So often our exploration of spiritual power is only at a very rudimentary level. Each use opens for greater use the next time. Check your gifts!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year - No Resolutions

Happy New Year! This is the year that most of us want something different to happen. If we want something different we must set an intention that is greater than just our thinking about something new. Setting an intention gets us to visualizing, and feeling the change in our bodies as well as our minds. We have power we have not used yet. When we set an intention all of our senses check in. We can see it, smell it, feel it, know that it will come and everyday, experience more and more of its' coming. Join me in setting an intention for this year, and also join me in experiencing it everyday until it arrives.